The environmental hazards associated with obsolete consumer electronics are becoming increasingly well publicized and responsible consumers and companies are rapidly implementing programs to recycle this material. ECS and our sister company, United DataTech Distributors, have been recovering value from obsolete electronics for many years.
ECS samples, values and consolidates both end-of-life and manufacturing scrap electronics for their metal value. ECS also provides assured certified destruction services for product manufacturers, to prevent obsolete or off-specification products from finding their way into the marketplace. United Datatech sorts, repairs and re-markets obsolete electronic products (primarily personal computers and peripherals).
SB-20 in California
ECS Refining is an approved "Collector" and "Recycler" with the State of California for the recycling of computer monitors and televisions under the Electronic Waste Recycling Act of 2003 (SB20). SB-20 allows for free recycling of California-sourced computer monitors and televisions for households, businesses and government facilities. As an approved "Recycler", ECS welcomes the participation of other "Collectors" involved in this program.
Our Process
Recycling your obsolete and end-of-life electronics is the right thing to do. It often makes economic sense as well. The printed circuit boards in many personal computers have some precious metal components, which can result in a net positive value to you, if you recycle them. Entrusting your obsolete electronics to ECS will ensure that they are managed as you direct, either remarketed or destroyed and recycled.
ECS processes scrap electronics by shredding and separating the components, ferrous metals (steel), copper and precious metals, aluminum, and plastic. The steel and aluminum are recycled as the metals, the plastic is recycled as plastic, and the copper and precious metals are sampled, prepared, and packaged for shipment to a primary copper smelter.
Products Produced from Electronics Scrap Recycling
- Copper ingot with precious metals
- Prepared pulps with precious metals
- Granulated electronics with precious metals
- Granulated electronics without precious metals
- Steel-magnetically separated
- Aluminum-eddy current separated
- Plastic-separated